Responsible Investment Forum: West 2024
Join 200+ institutional investors, fund managers, expert advisors, and highly recognized thought leaders in the heart of Silicon Valley for unrivalled networking opportunities on 4-5 September. Discover how to leverage sustainable investment strategies that enhance returns. Gain a comprehensive overview of the current regulations and policies in place that are driving positive change and supporting the state of California’s commitment to a more sustainable future.
Key themes will include:
Key themes will include:
- Investor allocations and perspectives on sustainability considerations
- The role of AI in ESG monitoring processes and the increasing importance of “responsible information” – a deep dive into what tech ethics looks like from an AI perspective
- Clean tech – navigating the challenges of supply chain challenges
- Building a coherent plan for biodiversity - practical take aways on how to incorporate nature based solutions into diligence
- What the Scope 3 emissions California law means for the rest of the US
Discover more in the agenda
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Hear from leading experts including
Jennie Benza
Investment Manager, Private Markets
General Electric Pension
Kate Roscoe
Managing Director
Manulife Investment Management
Leslie Vargas
Senior Portfolio Manager
Resolution Life US
"Global warming, air pollution, and energy insecurity are three of the greatest problems facing humanity. The Responsible Investment Forum is a powerful global platform for like minded ESG investors to transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all."
"Great mix of GPs and LPs! The panels were interesting and covered pertinent topics"
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