✍ 17-20 March 2025
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PEI continues to deliver an excellent Global Summit year after year. The Global Summit brings together the best thought leaders in our industry, and provides opportunities to discuss new investment arenas, emerging challenges, and ongoing developments in infrastructure. We always enjoy the learning, networking, and business development opportunities that the Global Summit provides, and look forward to another successful event in 2024.
Gwenola Chambon
CEO & Founding Partner
Vauban Infrastructure Partners
The most relevant infra event to attend. All the major players are at the Summit.
Christian Wertli
Head Infrastructure Solutions
Swiss Re
Key themes include:
- How have recent mergers and acquisitions changed the private infrastructure investment landscape?
- Pushing the boundaries – where next for the ever-accelerating energy transition?
- The rise and rise of infrastructure secondaries
- Investor appetite returns – bouncing back strongly from a tentative 2023
- AI, connectivity and technological innovation in an increasingly digitalised world
- Investor perspectives on deglobalisation, geopolitics and macroeconomic events shaping the infrastructure universe

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P: This is the primary body copy Ame dolor mos num ipiendae ipsundempor repudigentur res si quistrum voluptas naturias nobita eossunt haritatem fugit, quature neceatur simaximodit, et offici dit officip itaspic temodipsae quo etur rent, cus, etum rempers pienti doluptur asIque dit lautem illiquis eatur.
Section title
P: This is the primary body copy Ame dolor mos num ipiendae ipsundempor repudigentur res si quistrum voluptas naturias nobita eossunt haritatem fugit, quature neceatur simaximodit, et offici dit officip itaspic temodipsae quo etur rent, cus, etum rempers pienti doluptur asIque dit lautem illiquis eatur.

Editor-in Chief
The Economist

Brookfield Asset Management
Head of Transition Investing

University of Oxford